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Wastewater Treatment: Theory and Technology 污水处理理论与技术



“Wastewater Treatment: Theory and Technology” is a specialized course for master students majoring in environmental engineering and environmental science. The course focuses on the up-to-date theories and technologies of wastewater treatment. This course is designed to introduce the theories and modern technologies for wastewater treatment. It presents a description of wastewater characteristics and the theories of biological and chemical processes. The course includes water quality, water pollution, microbial kinetics, trickling filter, activated sludge process, nitrification, denitrification, phosphorus removal, anaerobic treatment, ecological treatment, removal and fate of hazardous organic chemicals, etc. Through the study of this course, students are required to master the basic theory and technology for wastewater treatment, and to understand the relevant domestic and international research trends. The knowledge will help the students in designing, operation and management of wastewater treatment plants.


This course is designed to introduce the theories and modern technologies for wastewater treatment. The contents include biological reactor as well as stoichiometry and kinetics for wastewater treatment, nutrient removal and recovery, activated sludge process, anaerobic treatment, sludge treatment and disposal, recalcitrant organic pollutant control and emergent pollutant control. The relative up-to-date researches are also involved. The purpose is to make students master the advanced theory and technology for wastewater treatment and resource recovery, and obtain the recent relative knowledge.

Students completing this course will be able to:

  • Outline major fundamentals and treatment processes for organics and nutrient removal.

  • Select and size major treatment units used in wastewater treatment.

  • Generate course reports, give topical presentations, communicate environmental engineering calculations, and access current information and data.

  • Think about and discuss current environmental topics for wastewater treatment, and pose engineering solutions.

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Project jointly funded by the EU ERASMUS+ program, project registration number 586083

Disclaimer: The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission. The information on the website represents only the author's point of view. The author is solely responsible for the content posted.

项目由欧盟ERASMUS+ 计划共同资助,项目注册号为586083

