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Biomass Energy: Technology and Application 生物质能技术与应用



“Biomass Energy: Technology and Application” is a specialized course for master students majoring in Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Thermal Engineering, etc. The course focuses on the up-to-date theories, technologies and application of biomass energy. It presents a description of biomass energy production technology, application and resent researches. The course contents include the utilization prospect, the current development, the new production technology and the commercialization status of biomass energy, etc. Through the study of this course, students are required to master the basic theory and technology for biomass energy, and to understand the relevant research and commercialization trends. The knowledge will help students research in the field of biomass energy. The course is developed by the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project “Master Program on Bio-Based Circular Economy: From Fields to Bioenergy, Biofuel and Bioproducts in China” (BBChina).


This course is designed to introduce the theories, modern technologies and application for biomass energy. The contents include conversion technologies of biomass to energy by physical, chemical and biological methods, application of biomass energy in different fields and prospect of commercialization of all kinds of biomass energy. The relative up-to-date researches are also involved.

Students completing this course will be able to:

- Master the advanced theory and technology for biomass energy

- Have a basic understanding of the important application for biomass energy

- Have a potential ability of research in biomass energy

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Project jointly funded by the EU ERASMUS+ program, project registration number 586083

Disclaimer: The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission. The information on the website represents only the author's point of view. The author is solely responsible for the content posted.

项目由欧盟ERASMUS+ 计划共同资助,项目注册号为586083

