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首期BBChina硕士培养项目开展线上第二学期学生培养 Second semester of 1st edition of the BBChina Master Program



Despite the Pandemic, the second semester, after a delayed start, ran smoothly, thanks to the full utilisation of all the Distance Learning tools previously developed and set-up, including the BBChina e-learning platform. The second semester courses closed with the discussion of the projects elaborated by the students during the courses. In particular, during the second semester teaching was held for the three brand new courses fully elaborated within the BBChina project activities: the course “Bioeconomy, Energy Market and Green Market”, the course “Renewable Energy Technologies”, and the course “Integrated Solid Waste Management”.


Online teaching for "Integrated Solid Waste Management"

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Project jointly funded by the EU ERASMUS+ program, project registration number 586083

Disclaimer: The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission. The information on the website represents only the author's point of view. The author is solely responsible for the content posted.

项目由欧盟ERASMUS+ 计划共同资助,项目注册号为586083

